1. Name: Aborigen
    Faction: Alliance
    Gems: [Sovereign Shadowsong Amethyst]
    Added, sorry for the delay!

  2. Name: Slob
    Faction: Alliance
    Gems: [Shifting Shadowsong Amethyst]
    Edited: December 5, 2017 Reason: Layout

  3. Name: Slob
    Faction: Alliance
    Gems: [Shifting Shadowsong Amethyst]
    Added, thank you!

  4. Any horde can craft [Sovereign Shadowsong Amethyst] ?

  5. Name: Aborigen
    Faction: Alliance
    Gems: [Inscribed Pyrestone]

  6. Name: Aborigen
    Faction: Alliance
    Gems: [Inscribed Pyrestone]
    Dayme, that's lucky! 3 now, added you! :)

  7. Updated with another +5 STR / 7 STAM crafter!

  8. Name: Warmplaid
    Faction: Horde
    Gems: [Inscribed Pyrestone]

  9. Name: Ken
    Faction: Alliance
    Gems: [Inscribed Pyrestone]

  10. Drkael:
    Inscribed, Sovereign, Veiled, Great, Mystic

  11. Updated!

    @Juvy And damn, that's some good rng

  12. Name: Sinsz
    Faction: Alliance
    Gems: [Great Lionseye]

  13. Updated!

    Added Sinsz and Hearthledger.

  14. [Stormy Empyrean Sapphire] | +13 Spell Penetration

    Horde : Jinkzdaleet

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