1. (Wotlk) looking for things to do

    Ive been playing on my feral druid for quite some time and have gotten 6k gs.
    At this point of time ive been doing weekly raids and daily rdf hc for eof.... can i do anything besides those things for more eof or better gear.
    Second thing is that i have no gold and have no idea how to farm it so any tips would be appreciated.
    Besides those things i want to farm mounts and titles,achievements but have no idea which dungeons and raids i can solo for mounts.
    Lastly i want to create an alt (war,dk or pala dps) but dont know much about them so some information on that would be appreciated:)
    Thanks for help:)

  2. Look in forum guides for building an alt:

    Ex: Ret Paladin DPS: http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=325565

    Keep raiding and doing daily rdf hc for frosts to get t10. Are you in a guild? That makes the game way better. The gains will be slow now that you are at 6k gs, but you gotta probably be in a guild to do 25 hc lk if you want to get a chance to get some nice items, and it could take a bit.
    You can google most of this stuff, but it depends on what mounts and achievements you want. Read through some of them. Ashes of alar, invincible's reins, etc... There's tons. There's also Ruby Sanctum 25 man to kill Halion which has 264 + Gear, and some BIS items for all. (BIS = Best in slot if you didn't know..) For gold you can quest, or farm EOT's to buy gems/crusader orbs and sell in AH. Max your professions, and go solo a dungeon that drops decent loot and disenchant it or make some gear. If you are looking for the most optimal option, then there isn't really one because someone could be farming anything at the same time as you or not at all so just try to have fun doing it atleast.

  3. I don't like making alts, going through the same content again with different character is silly for me, so when I got max geared, in your case 6k gs you can say you are max geared because you already can do all the content so it doesn't matter if its possible to become 6500 it won't give you access to anything new so whatever. But what I started to do after that is achievements, there are plenty of those to last you for at least 2-4 months and once you complete them as well you should probably stop playing the game because you already will have wasted enough time to regret it after say 10 years.

  4. You can start some PvP, gear some other specs (You're a druid, you can be anything, tank, rdps, healer). Try some PvP, get geared in PvP by doing bgs and arenas and then have some more fun. (You can gear multiple specs there as well, since they're all good in PvP as well).
    Gold you can gather by buying gems from emblems of triumph and selling them, or primordial saronites with emblems of frost.

    Achievements are mostly self-explaining in what to do, mounts you can just google depending on which mount you want to have. Also don't believe those comments that you'd regret playing WoW at all. I have totalled 800 days over the 7 years I've been playing it and I don't regret any of it, I wouldn't change it over anything even if I could, I actually learned so much over it even irl and it's overally a great experience. :)

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