1. Macros for Protect warrior, thanks!

    Just looking for every protect macro that I could possibly use for PvP or PvE.

    Appreciate it, thanks.

  2. Greetings coostyguy,

    Macros I use on 3.3.5 p Servers for every Class are

    Max Camera Zoom to get a better overview

    /run SetCVar('CameraDistanceMaxFactor','4');

    Recount and Omen fix

    /run local f = CreateFrame("frame",nil, UIParent); f:SetScript("OnUpdate", CombatLogClearEntries);

    For Warriors, I like to Use
    Shout reminder

    /cast Commanding Shout (/battle Shout)
    /in 220 /w your name Shout nearly ended !

    As well as mouse over intervene

    /cast [target=mouseover] Intervene

    For More macros I can Highly recommend The Guides of jendah (http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=271757)
    and Alcyruun (http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=296685) both got a Macro section.

    At the end you need to Test for yourself what macros fit your play style.


  3. /cast tank abillity
    /cast heroic strike
    /cast shield block (if you are already save in a fight and need to midigate even more income dmg while max out thread)

    If used for every tank abillity, this frees up 1-2 buttons but is not adviseable to use at every boss.

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