1. MoP 5.4.8 Stopped Working

    Hi, i've been playing on Frostwolf (Mists of Pandaria) since a week ago after switching from Icecrown and now it seems it stopped working.

    It wasn't like this until just this morning, when WoW just... stopped working. I could see the game's cursor and that's about it. Only a black screen, the game cursor and nothing else. No sound at all.

    I installed MoP through the minimal installer and it worked fine until just this exact day.

    WoW was working fine on my other PC, despite the disgustingly inferior specs it has. I tried selecive startup mode, unclicking read-only, reinstalling, windowed mode, and nothing works.

    Help would be appreciated.

    Edited: November 21, 2017

  2. Sounds like a DX9 /DX11 issue.
    To at least get the game to show up do the following:

    Go to game installation folder
    Go to WTF folder
    Open (with Notepad or similar) the Config.wtf file.

    Alter the following lines:
    SET gxWindow "1"
    SET gxMaximize "0"
    This will start the client in a "small" window and (most likely) will be visible,
    so you can change settings through the ingame menu from there on.
    You probably want to run your game on D3DX9 on a maximised window setting to prevent the black client,
    which happens on Win10 OS a lot.

    You might even want to change that to the Config when you are editing it:
    SET gxApi "D3D9"
    Edited: November 24, 2017

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