1. PvP faction balance?

    Is this server balanced when it comes to PvP and Factions you'd say? Or is one side dominating the other?

  2. Is this server balanced when it comes to PvP and Factions you'd say? Or is one side dominating the other?
    Roughly 1k more horde online atm than alliance, if the website aint lying. As for dominating, so far ive noticed alliance tends to get trashed in the rare open world fights and the few bgs ive done. I tend to do bgs very rarely in general due to that reason.
    +The alliance "pvp guilds" dont actually do pvp. Again personal experience

  3. ^what the potato said. Horde will always be more than Alliance on TBC due to racials being better. They will also generally perform better in PvP due to that factor.

  4. Please,don t trashtalk and don t type your opinions. I m in pvp guild that have 2.8k gs REQ and we run 7+ man premades. That s going like 30-1 wins/loses per day (when i m online,so there is even more wins since i play only afternoon and some nihgt). If you solo que,you gonna be raped by hordes,you should know that if you play pvp. And i don t see any strong hordes pvp guild. Can you tell me is there any? Rage guild was only.and they are in-active. Arch enemy too. Alliance got Quality Control,Warbringers,garbo dogs,tunnelvision. Make a clue who dominating battlegrounds

  5. This is the **** i was talking about,OP. Man claiming to be in a pvp guild that uses PVE WOTLK addon as a filter. My guess is the premade he was talking about is infact called a kara raid or something like that

  6. I see you don t play any premade BGs on Outland sever. Np i can explain it to you. In TBC you don t need addon filter to que BGs with raid,it s needed only for AV premades. Also,i see you don t have any clue about pvp guilds,so idk why are you on this topic :D Np,i will explain it to you again. Kara raid and premade is not the same thing,if you wanna learn more about pvp and pve,i think you should start playing game called World of Warcraft,you can download it from this site. Cheers! :D

  7. Dimithyl, you're the one who's trashtalking right now and I recommend that you shut the **** up. Your attitude only makes you look more pathetic. You playing full premades in full PvP gear means absolutely nothing for the average PvPer, nor does it serve as any sort of example for the PvP scene on the realm.

    Numbers speak better than words (especially your words) and numbers show that Horde are more than Alliance and have more high-ranked arena teams than Alliance. Alliance received perks, including higher honor rates, exactly because Horde were dominating the PvP scene.

  8. Ok,but don t talk in global,cause in my experiance horde is losing every BG... Also that BGs are not challange at all,so i call all Hordes to unite and make some good pvp guild because camping gy in every BG is not fun everytime. We wanna good fight.

  9. in general*

    ...and that's much better now, thank you.

  10. Open world we as alliance do alright unless the horde group up. BGs we get thrashed but that's only because we don't have a guild for solid premades or world pvp in place. LEGION was the only one who organized attacks on Horde cities etc.. but it was short lived. If the Alliance were to band together and make a decent effort to play together we'd do a lot better against the Horde imo. Having more Horde than Alliance makes for great wPvP for me anyways lol.

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