1. Skinning


    i just got skinning finally to 450. But now i have one problem, i dont really know where to farm leather.
    Can you guys please give me some good farm spots? I'd really appreciate it :)

  2. The mammoths near Dun nuflin (idk the spelling-but near the sons of hodir)
    Sholazar basin, thats basically the places with either good drops or alot of mobs to skin at any given area. Try running normal Violet Hold and skin the dragonkin that comes out of the portal, they drop arctic furs too, now that i think about it, you can try The Oculus and The nexus too but i dont they drop as much

  3. The best place for farm arctic fur is sholazar basin monkeys, you can also drop borean leather here and sell it too. its good business

  4. Where can I find Fel scale and Fel Hide

  5. Where can I find Fel scale and Fel Hide
    Hellfire Peninsula in Outland

  6. Hello. Anyone know how I can get Northrend Skinning, they say you get double the leather

  7. Hello. Anyone know how I can get Northrend Skinning, they say you get double the leather
    Basically any zone that has skinning trainer in Northrend, even Dalaran. I even got the skinning to 450 and they still drop 1x leather every time so I guess it doesn't work like in retail.

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