1. Gem suggestion.

    Hey guys i need abit of suggestion on gems atm.
    During my start of tbc tanking i read few guides nd every guide was like prefer 12/15 stam gem stacking on gear to get as much hp as one can as a warrior till one get like 16.5~k hp unbuffed which is like t6 geared.
    So as for now i am 14.8k hp unbuffed with all stam gem stacking, but last night in ssc trash i got shrekt twice from different mobs. So what i was thinking should i stack dodge rating/parry rating gem with 6 stam instead of 12 stam on few pieces where bonus is like +parry rating or dodge rating. Like boots from chess/bracers from first boss in kara? Or should i stick with stam gem? Its just bad rng there?

  2. Stack Stam and blame healers bro #thuglife

  3. The purpose of stacking stamina is to prevent you from being gibbed with a big enough cushion for healers. However, if you're sacrificing other valuable stats then your HP is dropping faster anyway, especially since a parry or dodge prevents alot of damage. And that extra HP is useless if you're not getting close to dying. So since you're still dying, despite stacking stamina, then I suggest getting as much HP as you can without completely ignoring other useful stats or socket bonuses.

    For example: I use Liar's Tongue Gloves for DPS rather than Grips of Deftness (15 expertise) despite not being capped on expertise because its more DPS due to the other stats. But all the guides say, "cap hit and expertise before anything else", which is wrong depending on what you're losing, similar to stamina.

  4. Thanks for the feedback guys.
    Appreciated alot :)

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