1. I need help with a couple of addons.

    So I have the addon named aloft and aggro notifier
    Aggro notifier and aloft worked great on ARES wow
    I came over ported over everything from my ui and everything worked besides a few tweaks and these two addons.
    I got aloft to work again
    But now the command /aloft waterfall
    /aloft gui /options is not working.

    I had the problem health was not coming up but TAG error inplace of health
    I do not want percent on the healthbar I want health.
    I also wanted to keep my elvui fonts so I could change aloft however.

    I asked a person named laxatives and he told me to reinstall the mod and it was working before the configuration when i tried it again it did not work.
    Laxatives being a prick ignored me so **** him for doing that.
    Thanks for helping *******.

  2. local Aloft = Aloft
    if not Aloft then return end


    local TagCompiler = LibStub("TagCompiler-2.0")


    local white = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, }


    Aloft.TagData =
    ["!TagError"] = function(x) Aloft:Print(x) end,
    -- ["!TagDebug"] = function(x) Aloft:Debug(x) end


    for k,v in pairs(TagCompiler.CommonTagData) do
    Aloft.TagData[k] = v


    Aloft.TagData.IsCross =
    tableData = "cross",

    Aloft.TagData.IsPlayer =
    tableData = "isPlayer",

    Aloft.TagData.Type =
    tableData = "type",

    Aloft.TagData.HealthBarDeficit =
    events = "Aloft:OnHealthBarValueChanged",
    compileString = function(dataTable, prior) return string.format("%s%s(data.healthBarMaxValue - data.healthBarValue)", prior or "", prior and " and " or "") end,
    guaranteeResult = true,
    numeric = true

    Aloft.TagData.HealthBarDeficit =
    events = "Aloft:OnHealthBarValueChanged",
    compileString = function(dataTable, prior) return string.format("%s%s(data.healthBarMaxValue - data.healthBarValue)", prior or "", prior and " and " or "") end,
    guaranteeResult = true,
    numeric = true

    Aloft.TagData.HealthBarMaxValue =
    events = "Aloft:OnHealthBarValueChanged",
    tableData = "healthBarMaxValue",
    guaranteeResult = true,
    numeric = true

    Aloft.TagData.HealthBarValue =
    events = "Aloft:OnHealthBarValueChanged",
    tableData = "healthBarValue",
    guaranteeResult = true,
    numeric = true

    Aloft.TagData.HealthFraction =
    events = "Aloft:OnHealthBarValueChanged",
    compileString = function(dataTable, prior) return string.format("data.healthBarValue and data.healthBarMaxValue and data.healthBarMaxValue > 0 and %s%s(ceil(100.0 * (data.healthBarValue / data.healthBarMaxValue)) / 100.0)", prior or "", prior and " and " or "") end,
    guaranteeResult = true,
    numeric = true

    Aloft.TagData.IsGroup =
    compileString = function(dataTable, prior) return string.format("data.healthBarMaxValue ~= 100%s%s", prior and " and " or "", prior or "") end,
    noGuaranteeChange = true

    Aloft.TagData.IsNotGroup =
    compileString = function(dataTable, prior) return string.format("data.healthBarMaxValue == 100%s%s", prior and " and " or "", prior or "") end,
    noGuaranteeChange = true

    Aloft.TagData.IsBoss = { tableData = "isBoss" }
    Aloft.TagData.IsElite = { tableData = "isElite" }

    Aloft.TagData.IsFriendly =
    compileString = function(dataTable, prior)
    return string.format("(data.type == "friendlyPlayer" or data.type == "friendlyNPC")%s%s", prior and " and " or "", prior or "")

    Aloft.TagData.IsFriendlyNPC =
    compileString = function(dataTable, prior) return string.format("data.type == "friendlyNPC"%s%s", prior and " and " or "", prior or "") end

    Aloft.TagData.IsFriendlyPlayer =
    compileString = function(dataTable, prior) return string.format("data.type == "friendlyPlayer"%s%s", prior and " and " or "", prior or "") end

    Aloft.TagData.IsHostile =
    compileString = function(dataTable, prior) return string.format("data.type == "hostile"%s%s", prior and " and " or "", prior or "") end

    Aloft.TagData.IsNeutral =
    compileString = function(dataTable, prior) return string.format("data.type == "neutral"%s%s", prior and " and " or "", prior or "") end

    Aloft.TagData.IsMaxHealth =
    events = "Aloft:OnHealthBarValueChanged",
    compileString = function(dataTable, prior) return string.format("data.healthBarValue == data.healthBarMaxValue%s%s", prior and " and " or "", prior or "") end

    Aloft.TagData.Level =
    -- TODO: self-hook AloftLevelText as well, vis [Level]?
    events = "Aloft:OnUnitLevelChanged",
    tableData = "level", numeric = true,

    Aloft.TagData.Name =
    -- NOTE: the data field here allows the AloftNameText module to self-hook itself into the data/module heirarchy;
    -- AloftNameText is an always-loaded module, and the [Name] tag is always valid, so this should be harmless,
    -- and it provides an anchor for things like the [Class] tag, if it is needed for various "Color By Class" option(s)
    data = "name",
    events = "Aloft:OnUnitNameChanged",
    tableData = "name",
    guaranteeResult = true

    Aloft.TagData.HealthBarColor =
    events = "Aloft:OnSetHealthBarColor",
    method = function(aloftData, value)
    local healthBarR = aloftData.healthBarR
    local healthBarG = aloftData.healthBarG
    local healthBarB = aloftData.healthBarB

    -- if (value) then
    -- local healthBarA = aloftData.healthBarA
    -- if (not healthBarR or not healthBarG or not healthBarB or healthBarA) then
    -- local healthBar = aloftData.healthBar

    -- Aloft:ProcessHealthBarColor(aloftData) -- TODO: see comments on this function in Aloft/Aloft.lua

    -- ChatFrame7:AddMessage("AloftAloftTag:HealthBarColo r(): " .. aloftData.name)
    -- ChatFrame7:AddMessage("AloftAloftTag:HealthBarColo r(): " .. ("|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r"):format(floor(aloftData.he althBarR*256), floor(aloftData.healthBarG*256), floor(aloftData.healthBarB*256), "health bar color"))
    -- end
    -- end

    if not value or not healthBarR or not healthBarG or not healthBarB
    or type(healthBarR) ~= "number" or type(healthBarG) ~= "number" or type(healthBarB) ~= "number" then
    -- ChatFrame7:AddMessage("Aloft.TagData.HealthBarColo r.method(): " .. tostring(aloftData.name) .. "/" .. tostring(value) .. "/" .. tostring(healthBarR) .. "/" .. tostring(healthBarG) .. "/" .. tostring(healthBarB))
    return "" -- stub out with an empty string, this cannot be properly formatted

    return ("|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r"):format(min(255, floor(healthBarR*256)), floor(min(255, healthBarG*256)), floor(min(255, healthBarB*256)), value)
    noGuaranteeChange = true

    Aloft.TagData.OriginalHealthBarColor =
    events = "Aloft:OnSetHealthBarColor",
    method = function(aloftData, value)
    local healthBarR = aloftData.originalHealthBarR
    local healthBarG = aloftData.originalHealthBarG
    local healthBarB = aloftData.originalHealthBarB

    -- TODO: check RGB for nil, fetch if needed?
    -- if (value) then
    -- ChatFrame7:AddMessage("AloftAloftTag:OriginalHealt hBarColor(): " .. aloftData.name)
    -- ChatFrame7:AddMessage("AloftAloftTag:OriginalHealt hBarColor(): " .. ("|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r"):format(floor(healthBarR*2 56), floor(aloftData.originalHealthBarG*256), floor(aloftData.originalHealthBarB*256), "original health bar color"))
    -- end

    if not value or not healthBarR or not healthBarG or not healthBarB
    or type(healthBarR) ~= "number" or type(healthBarG) ~= "number" or type(healthBarB) ~= "number" then
    -- ChatFrame7:AddMessage("Aloft.TagData.OriginalHealt hBarColor.method(): " .. tostring(aloftData.name) .. "/" .. tostring(value) .. "/" .. tostring(healthBarR) .. "/" .. tostring(healthBarG) .. "/" .. tostring(healthBarB))
    return "" -- stub out with an empty string, this cannot be properly formatted

    return ("|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r"):format(min(255, floor(healthBarR*256)), floor(min(255, healthBarG*256)), floor(min(255, healthBarB*256)), value)
    noGuaranteeChange = true

    Aloft.TagData.ClassColor =
    events = "Aloft:OnClassDataChanged",
    method = function(aloftData, value)
    local color = (aloftData.class and Aloft.db.profile.classColors[aloftData.class]) or white
    return (value and ("|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r"):format(min(255, floor(color[1]*256)), min(255, floor(color[2]*256)), min(255, floor(color[3]*256)), value)) or ""
    noGuaranteeChange = true

    Aloft.TagData.DifficultyColor =
    method = function(aloftData, value) return (value and ("|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r"):format(min(255, floor(aloftData.levelTextR*256)), floor(min(255, aloftData.levelTextG*256)), floor(min(255, aloftData.levelTextB*256)), value)) or "" end,
    noGuaranteeChange = true

    Aloft.TagData.TappedColor =
    method = function(aloftData, value) return (value and ("|cff8787ff%s|r"):format(value)) or "" end,
    noGuaranteeChange = true

    -- to reflect the presence of the new Blizzard health bar color
    Aloft.TagData.IsTappedVisual =
    data = "isTappedVisual",
    events = "Aloft:OnHealthBarColorChanged",
    tableData = "isTappedVisual"

    Aloft.TagData.Truncate =
    -- lifted more or less completely from LibDogTags-3.0-90203 text manipulation; thanks and all credit to CKKnight/Shefki
    method = function(data, value, number, ...)
    if not value or number <= 0 then return nil end -- truncating to zero or less effectively "deletes" value

    local ellipses = select(1, ...) -- pull out the one and only expected (optional) argument from varargs
    -- ChatFrame7:AddMessage("AloftTag:TagData.Truncate.m ethod(): " .. tostring(value) .. "/" .. tostring(number) .. "/" .. tostring(ellipses))

    local len = 0
    for i = 1, number do
    local b = value:byte(len+1)
    if not b then
    shortened = false
    elseif b <= 127 then
    len = len + 1
    elseif b <= 223 then
    len = len + 2
    elseif b <= 239 then
    len = len + 3
    len = len + 4

    local val = value and value:sub(1, len)
    if ellipses and value and value:byte(len+1) then
    val = val .. ellipses
    return val
    noGuaranteeChange = true,
    parameterTypes = { "number", "*string" }


    -- Initialise the compile cache with an empty tag, something which would otherwise need some extra special-cased code
    local compileCache =
    [""] = { data = { }, events = { }, tag = "", method = function() return "" end },

    function Aloft:InvalidateCompileCache()
    for tag, compile in pairs(compileCache) do
    if (tag ~= "") then
    compile.tag = nil
    compile.data = nil
    compile.events = nil
    compile.method = nil

    compileCache[tag] = nil

    function Aloft:CreateTag(tag, clearCache)
    local parseTag = tag or ""

    if clearCache then
    compileCache[parseTag] = nil
    elseif compileCache[parseTag] then
    return compileCache[parseTag]

    -- ChatFrame7:AddMessage("AloftAloftTag:CreateTag(): tag " .. tostring(tag))
    local result = TagCompiler:Compile(tag, self.TagData, "string")
    compileCache[tag] = result
    return result

    function Aloft:FixTagCasing(tag)
    return TagCompiler:FixCasing(tag:gsub("|c%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x ", ""):gsub("|r", ""), self.TagData, "string")

    function Aloft:HighlightTagSyntax(tag)
    return TagCompiler:HighlightSyntax(tag, self.TagData, "string")


  3. I think this is a pitbull problem because for every enemy it shows 100/100 and its annoying when i click on pitbull it does not let me edit health text because for some reason it is not coming up in the game its hidden? and I do not know why

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