1. Power auras and paladin Judgement macro


    i just got back into TBC and been trying to configure Power Auras addon to work with the Judgement macro. I got 2.46 version of Power Auras.

    The judgement macro is:
    /cast Judgement
    /cast Seal of Righteousness

    I have setup Power Auras to activate "Action usable", checked "only in combat".

    But the problem is it keeps showing Judgement as usuable when its on cooldown if I use the above macro. If I dont use the macro and instead use the normal Judgement spell, Power Auras work fine.

    So the macro somehow messes up Power Auras and i cant figure out why or how. I remember having this working correctly a while back, but not how i fixed it.

    Any advice?

  2. Turns out using Powa 2.5.7a worked better. Now I can use the macro and it shows action usable as it should. Whaddayaknow

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