1. Whats up with the Griefing?

    I'm wondering, these past days, I have often seen high level characters, probably level 80, in lowlvl areas, doing nothing but killing all NPC's and all lowlevel characters who happens to wander by.

    I'm talk lvl 80 chars in Goldshire, or Lakeshire.

    WHY for heavens sake do they do that.
    I've seen one spent something like an hour running around killing lowlvl's and ruining their game.

    I don't mind World PvP much, WHEN it is a fair fight and there is something to gain from it. But a lvl 80 in goldshire gets NOTHING, no honorable kill, no honor points, nothing.

    Are they trying to scare off new players ?
    This is on LORDAERON btw, and i'm playing for the leveling experience, but it is getting harder with these knuckleheads :(
    Edited: December 6, 2017

  2. Its a PvP Server, its bound to happen. Alliance also pulls this crap.

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