1. I don't understand, are you folk pugging raids?

    I don't know any raid leader who has ever had an outlook of "Hurr durr, 1.6k GS? YOU'RE IN!" They always ask pickups to present themselves at Aldor/Scryer Bank in Shatt for inspection.

    For the purposes of 5-mans, there is not really a functional difference between a mage with 16% hit and 1200 spell power and a mage with 4% hit and 800 spell power. You'll still clear the instance, just a bit slower. Let them low folk into your group, then stroke your massive epeen by having Recount cover half your screen if you want.

    If folk want to cheese their way through stuff by asking for T6 players to run them through Durnholde Normal, more power to'em. I make my own non-gearcheck groups, and I'm pretty happy in life.

  2. uhm hi..
    ok first off

    >>I don't know any raid leader who has ever had an outlook of "Hurr durr, 1.6k GS? YOU'RE IN!"<<

    you're just straight up lying now, it's the general way of doing things in quite a lot of places.
    dont lie.

    ok second, my actual reason for replying:

    I would like to send out an echo for the peoples of warmane, hoping to find some addon nerds that can help fix GS
    - gs needs to stop being an itemlvl 1 to 1 translation
    - gs needs to have knowledge of classes and talents so it can determine if the gear fits the class and specc currently equipping said gear
    - g.. no, wait, I think that's it...
    - o wait, with patchs and new loots new statweights may arise. tier x has about 300 stats when distributed way 1 gives best results. tier y may have 420 stats which may be distributed in a new way, giving better results. that would need accounting for ofc.

    gearscore hopes to ensure certain levels of performance, but it's starting to ensure crappy performance

    we make rules to make things go the way we wish, when those rules no longer are the case, they must be changed or ignored.
    - lets fix the gs rule stuff... and not decay into poorly representative numbers

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