1. Disabling shorcut within application New topic Reply


    I'm using MacOSX, and I have installed TBC on PlayOnMac and it works fine. While I'm playing the game I'm using keybinds like "alt + w" or "alt + tab" which is close to "alt + q" or "alt + F4" which function is to quit the game. One thing to point out is that "alt" in TBC is binded to "cmd"(⌘) modifier.

    Issue is that sometimes while I'm playing the game I accidentally press "alt + q" or "alt + F4" and quit the application.

    I tried following solutions but none of this worked, perhaps if the reason is I miss some step, but:

    - Rebinding the keybinds "alt + q" and "alt + F4" within Interface of the game is not available as a service at this version of the game
    - In BetterTouchTool, I made a new global keyboard shortcut ⌘+Q and defined no action
    - In Registry Editor Window, for the HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Explorer, I have created new DWORD with a name NoClose and value 1.

    Can you please suggest me the way I can resolve this, so that I can intercept an event for keys "alt + q" and "alt + F4" ?

    Edited: December 25, 2017

  2. Solution:

    1) Through your desktop go to System Preferences then click on Keyboard.
    2) Go to Keyboard Shortcuts then click on Application Shortcuts on the bottom left.
    3) In the menu select all Applications and Hit the little "+" button and where it says click on "other..." and click on World of Warcraft in your finder. (to find this go into the Applications Folder then the "World of Warcraft" folder then click on the application and hit add)
    4) If you now tab into World of Warcraft with it in Windowed mode you can see the menu bar on the top... click on World of Warcraft on that menu bar and at the bottom of the pop-up menu screen there is the "Quit World of Warcraft" option and you see the key bind for it right now is Command-Q.
    5) Tab back to the keyboard preferences and in the menu title option type in "Quit World of Warcraft" exactly how it is spelled in the menu option from step 4.
    6) Bind this option to whatever you want with the keyboard shortcut (I chose alt+f4).
    7) To check if you did it right.... if you go back to the menu from step 4 the Bind should have changed.

    You can't choose to get rid of this bind for every application because the Menu Title for each application is different, so if you want to do this with other applications you will have to do this for each one you want to do.

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