1. "You must wait X seconds before speaking again"

    Anyone else randomly getting this error message? I was told it was to combat spam, but even when I'm not typing anything at all this message appears.

  2. It's most likely some addon spamming in a chat channel that you can't see.

  3. Odd, I only have carbonite and Xperl installed. I'll try removing them and seeing whats up.

  4. It's probably Carbonite. It uses hidden chat channels to exchange some kind of information.

  5. Thanks for the heads up!!

    Is there an alternative add-on I can use that has a similar map that Carbonite brings? I've switched to Quest Helper but the default map is a bit of an eye sore.

  6. You can try this or something else from that thread:
    There is a modified version of Carbonite to remove the password spam.
    Can be found here: http://addons.us.to/addon/carbonite
    Edited: December 27, 2017

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