1. Few issues with addons

    I have found whilst playing this server now a few addon troubles.

    I have checked everything so all will load out of

    I have made sure ll are compatible with 3.3.5

    My recount doesnt show neither does skada or spellflash amongst other but these are the main ones for me.

    Also bags.... when equipting new bags the dont seem to show up.

    anyone able to help or seen this before and can sort it out.


  2. Do those add-ons show up on your character selection screen?
    Do they have an entry if you open the game menu -> interface -> addons?

  3. Everything is good however all in the right places however in game there is no add-on option in the menu so show what's active and what isn't. Have gotten cartograph and gear score to work since so I know some add-ons are running okay.

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