1. Discussion about Warrior damage on this server

    Disclaimer: This topic has nothing to do with advertising of other servers or some kind of bashing on the certain subject of discussion.

    Dear Warmane Staff,
    Dear Warmane Players,

    This is probably one of the threads that some people will find themselves in this situation and share my opinion, and some will not(the warriors themselves).
    I've been playing arena on Warmane since the very beginning and since the first moment I've stepped into the arena there were 2 things that were weird to me. That is Warrior damage and the mace stun proc. Also, I would like to add that I've played arenas and bg's on every other TBC server before, but I never found warrior doing this much damage like it's on Warmane. The mathematics and the numbers are just above any limits. Often happens that warrior just charges, and no matter what resilience the target has, 200 or 380, it just doesn't matter, you get crushed in 5-6 sec.

    Often on streams, I noticed that more than 20 people claim that Stormherald has better proc than Deep Thunder. The proc is just like 15-20%. I got feedback from a lot very good players in which they say "Man, on this server, warrior keeps you in stunlock more than any other rogue"
    Also, sweeping strikes, anyone of you had a situation where you are on warriors back for 15 sec with 320 resilience as a rogue, and you are on 15% of your hp just because of sweeping strikes and he didn't even look at you whole game long?

    At season1, the topic of discussion was RM combos, in which they just crushed anything in 1 shatter because of Rogues Hemo ARP and total dmg at all + Mage shatter dmg, and on all of that if you add that players had lower resilience than now in season 3. Now at late s2 and early s3, I find people complaining really a lot about sweeping strikes, mace stun, and generally OVERALL Warrior damage.

    I truly respect real skill in this expansion and people topping arena brackets, but what is the skill, if you are a cc-ed full trap, full roots, full cyclone, and you, come out of that cc and cause more damage than both opponent players did in all that duration?

    Please take a look at an example just: (reduce video speed in order to follow up the hp and the damage)
    Last scene down under the bridge. Please reduce speed to 0.25. The Warrior is killing the warlock, and the druid is not his target, but sweeping strikes hit druid for 5229 ???

    :)) ?? Can you really rape full s2 lock with SL just like that? As far as I remember, warlocks ain't dying that fast.

    I want to hear opinions from the Outland community, as I find this damage just not correct. Some input from staff would be awesome as well as we need to investigate these calculations so we can all have fair games in arenas and battlegrounds.

    Thank you,
    Best Regards!
    Edited: December 27, 2017

  2. Around 20k dmg in 2 sec nice nice
    Time to reroll warrior?

  3. The math:
    Warlock 400 resilience + Soul Link + 12k hp.
    Warrior has no WF totem.
    = still dead in few seconds.

  4. Sword spec
    Sweeping strikes

    Both videos he hit 3 targets with his whirlwind, that makes for 6 hits in total, 2 will hit his main target, and if he is lucky he can even get 3 or 4 hits on his main target.
    Now that is not even taking potential sword spec procs into account.

    That is just 1 global cooldown. Now he could also cleave and use mortal strike which would cause even more devastation.

    Also the fact that he's using Cataclysm's Edge, the best sword currently available in the game.

    A lot of warriors spec sweeping strike on this server, you just have to play around it. Never stack up near a warrior, best would be not to go on the warrior at all since the warrior doesn't have Endless Rage talent, he has sacrificed a lot of rage gain by speccing into sweeping strikes. If you don't attack the warrior he will run around the whole game being rage starved and will do 1/5 of the damage he would do if you damaged him.
    Edited: December 27, 2017

  5. You just don't stack near warrior with sweeping strikes + whirlwind , thats the answer bruh , it's like stack near sven under his ulti in dota 2 bruh

  6. How you mean, "You just don't stack near warrior with sweeping strikes + whirlwind"? Its just 1 charge and you are dead.
    The point in all those 2 videos is that its the warlock with the stats I've said in a comment before.
    HOW can a warrior kill a warlock within 5 sec? A warlock is the toughest **** in the arena, regardless of cloth, they have 400+ resil, Soul Link, and 12k hp atm?

    I truly agree with Cataclysm edge as the best sword in game, but still...? I didn't even mention inbalance that warrior had Lolherald in season 1 even. We are talking here about current overall damage.

  7. Doesn't matter sword spec or not. I see Tokash 3 shooting ppl and he is mace stun spec.

  8. Here's how to deal with Warriors as a Warlock. The Warlock in this video is really, really bad and 100% deserved the loss.
    There. That's how to deal with Warriors as a Warlock in Arena. If you keep your pet anywhere close to the Warrior when someone else is in range don't cry when you get Sweeping Strikes + Whirlwind to the face.

  9. Sweeping strikes+whirlwind+cleave = quadruple damage on you, because you didn't spread on sweeping strikes+send your pet somewhere

    cleaver warrior, naive warlock

  10. You're posting these clips without fully analyzing them and understanding the class.. The warlock is dumb, he had his pet on warrior which makes him have a chance to get enrage buff, considering he's sweeping strike spec then that will give him 25% increase damage taken, also the druid was next to the warlock on one side and the pet on the other, so he uses whirlwind and it hits both the pet and the druid which BOTH procc sweeping strikes ONTO the warlock.. go figure.

  11. Mhm? Low HP, 100 rage. What should i use? MHM?

  12. okay sweeping strike non crit 2439 hit on s3 priest seems legit lul.. there is no problem with that ability

  13. again warlock with pet near priest , so its x3 damage

  14. okay sweeping strike non crit 2439 hit on s3 priest seems legit lul.. there is no problem with that ability
    dude, you are a ******, seriously:
    1) that war has 5stacks of sunder armor at this priest
    2) sweeping strikes CANNOT crit, so 2439 is a crit copy, SS will never be displayed in combat log as crit - it was a crit, but due to ingame mechanism of sweeping strikes it cannot be a visual crit

  15. Warrior damage is strong af no getting around it.

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