1. Character trading

    Hey there.
    I was wondering if people actually buy naked lvl 80 characters for 30 coins.
    I currentlt have a couple I dont even use so I would like to know of it is even worth trying to sell them.
    Has anyone been able to sell one? Did it take long?

  2. I only sold one once. Its a warrior with 400 bs and jc and it sold within a day. Kinda surprise for it though. My guess is that if you decorate your toons with extra bonus stuffs (like profession and mounts), people will be more likely to buy them. But seriously, who will buy a fresh naked lvl 80 toon for 30 coins when they can get instant 80 with 20 coins.

  3. Probably because the naked lvl 80 toons have things worth the 30 coins such as professions, reputations, 280% flying, etc

  4. Yup. Aside from 400 bs and jc. That toon did have dual spec, 300 riding skill, and 5k gold with him.

  5. Most of them lack any decent level in professions, and flying is most of the time 160%

  6. Why I wish I'd bought one for $30 instead of $20 for a boost:
    -Many at that price have 2 450 Professions. That's worth $10,000g if you skill up via Auction House. Or about $8 worth of gold. Time savings? Priceless
    -Flight paths.

    mic drop.

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