1. Hunter, Rogue or Warlock?

    Which would be a better class to go with? Been away from the servers for so long, figured it'd be nice to start fresh, but no clue what the community is like and what raids/dungeons want/need more of.

    After experiencing the over-abundance of DKs on WotLK, I'd like to aim for something that can get into runs without too much trouble, haha. And I'm not a healbot fanatic, so healing is just not something I want to start off with.

  2. I would pick Lock... there are a billion rogues and if you had to pick between hunter and lock for raids/instances locks would get chosen first.

  3. Yeah, I suppose you are right. It's been years since I did play a lock, so it might be fun to re-experience that. Hunters are always great, but I feel there might be too many of them, haha.

  4. Warlock and Hunter are both very strong. Play what you like most of those 2. Both super strong!

  5. good hunters are definitely in demand on horde and alliance

  6. I would pick Lock...
    Just by saying this, you have agreed to play as "Rogue".

    On subject:
    It all depends on your PVE and / or PVP priorities.
    - Rogues are hard to level (but on 5x server, it isn't much of an issue). They're extremely good in PVP but in PVE they're not given priority.
    - Warlocks have easy leveling phase. Every raid needs them. In TBC Warlocks have top DPS (#ShadowBoltsOP). In PVP they are exceptionally good from a distance. Dot, hide, repeat.
    - Hunters are easy to level. In fact, if you have a quest that requires 2 members, hunter with his pet can do it solo. Very decent DPS in Raids and that's why Raids generally accept Hunter over *Cough*Rogues*Cough*. In my experience, I've seen Hunters doing 2nd best DPS in raids (top DPS is always Warlock). They also do well in PVP (BGs) but their Arena is slow and needs to be patient.

    With that being said, there is a very popular saying on the internet:
    Question: What is common between Noobs and Rogues?
    Answer: They both pick Locks.

  7. In my experience, I've seen Hunters doing 2nd best DPS in raids (top DPS is always Warlock).
    In T4 and T5 content hunters outdps locks and are nr1 dps class. In T6 it's more equal.

  8. In T4 and T5 content hunters outdps locks and are nr1 dps class. In T6 it's more equal.
    In T4 and T5 hunters outdps bad warlocks*. If the locks spec appropriately for the content they're in/gear they have (Demonology in T4 and T5) they'll beat Hunters.

  9. It's always close. If it becomes a DPS race then Warlocks will naturally win. But a good raid focuses on success of the Raid instead.
    Good Warlocks and Hunters also provide Utility to the whole raid (CC, dispell etc. etc.).

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