1. 26 Expertise is soft cap, 56 is hard cap. There seems to be a misunderstanding here. Going from 0 to 26 Expertise reduces BOTH Dodge and Parry chance equally.
    It's just the bossses ONLY have a 6.5% chance to dodge attacks to begin with, and @26 Expertise, you gain both an additional 6.5% chance to avoid Dodges, and also 6.5% chance to avoid Parries, totalling 13% more succesful attacks in total. Obviously, beyond 26 expertise, you can no longer gain less dodge chance as you've already negated the boss's dodge chance to 0%. However, bosses have atotal of 14% Parry chance, so negating only 6.5% of a boss's parry still leaves 7.5% Parry chance left to negate. Of course, that's where the hard cap comes in.
    TL;DR - Every point of expertise reduces the Parry chance of the boss by the same amount, until the hard cap of 56, and is independent of the boss's Dodge chance.

    Also Expertise for DK's has less of a threat-weighting compared to other tanks thanks to Rune-Strike's ignorance of Parry/Dodge, and Icy-Touch's ignorance of Parry-Dodge.
    These 2 abilities alone are often capable of enough burst-threat in the early stages of a boss fight to stabilise aggro before switching to a self-healing rotation. So on non Parry-Haste bosses, which is Everything except LDW, Sindy, and LK, DK's are generally fine with as little as 10-15 expertise. More is better of course, but if the EHP gains are worth the loss, then take the EHP.

    Alot of people are under an illusion that Parry-Hasting causes extra Melee Attacks to appear out of nowhere. This is not true. For Example, if a Boss normally attacks every 2 seconds, upon successfully Parrying an attack, his next Melee will only take 1.2 seconds to strike, aka UP TO 40% faster.

    Also note that even as a tank, getting additional Expertise to avoid Parry-Haste won't mean much if you're in a bad raid group who's pet's and melee DPS are attacking from in front of the boss at all times. Pet's are especially bad due to hunter and warlocks being highly ignorant of tanking-mechanics and instead focussing on dps-whoring. If you have 5 raid pets getting parried constantly, no matter whether you're hard capped for expertise or no, you'll be taking a significant amount of damage.

    Overall, the choice of 4pt10 comes down to the specific encounter, and your playstyle. Even if on spiky bosses you find yourself not bloodtapping often, just use your EHP set instead.
    Many tanks will stubbornly stick to 4pT10 no matter what out of stubbornness, but as reinforced before;
    The best gear setup for every encounter changes; So change your gear to match the encounter. This is good advice that applies to all levels of Tanking.
    Edited: January 8, 2018

  2. 26 Expertise is soft cap, 56 is hard cap. There seems to be a misunderstanding here. Going from 0 to 26 Expertise reduces BOTH Dodge and Parry chance equally.
    Nobody here claimed otherwise, from what I see.

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