1. Demon warlock

    Hello Guys. I started to playing a demonology warlock but I have seen in the forum that felguard is bugged.. So I dont know if the resolve it or not.

    Is this true?
    which pet I should use? Imp or felguard? and why?

    Thank you very much for ur time :)

    Edited: January 10, 2018

  2. Felguard and glyph of Felguard is working 100% here in Wotlk, you are not gonna find another server with felguard working 100% i believe.
    and being demon spec, go felguard all day

  3. Remember you gain extra spell power the from the int and stamina combined of your pet.

    Do like I did, Attack a dummy with ONLY your pet, check how much sp u get from pact and the dmg alone from your pet.
    Most top players will agree on imp.

  4. imp 5 sure.

    fel guard is melee damage, which is mitigated by bosses baseline armor.

  5. Wait so demonology is actually good in PVE? I wanted to play it but ppl said it sucks (wotlk Icecrown) and that it's bugged. So can I play it? does it work 100% ?

  6. What about now? When they fixed felguard AP stacking? Still is imp better?

  7. Imp is not better because he isn't getting demonic pact buff (they blocked it),should it work that way ? I have no idea.

    This is the report that DarkenedHue did 3 months ago after that they block demonic pact for imp.
    Idk if they changed it.

    But if imp is getting demonic pact buff then on long-movement boss fights he should be better.
    Edited: January 31, 2018

  8. Imp is not better because he isn't getting demonic pact buff (they blocked it),should it work that way ? I have no idea.

    This is the report that DarkenedHue did 3 months ago after that they block demonic pact for imp.
    Idk if they changed it.

    But if imp is getting demonic pact buff then on long-movement boss fights he should be better.
    Probably my bad on that. I mentioned this later in the report. It made sense initially because the rawr source code presented pet damage formulas in terms of the owner's SP. And also because of its similiarity to another bug.

  9. Probably my bad on that. I mentioned this later in the report. It made sense initially because the rawr source code presented pet damage formulas in terms of the owner's SP. And also because of its similiarity to another bug.
    Actually in rawr you have the information that pets information are not updated, you mentioned this later in the report I saw but I dont think they will look after this is already pending ^^ . For me it doesn't make sense at all because as demonology you are giving a buff (demonic pact)for all raid members and other pets too why would you not give demonic pact buff for your pet ?
    Can anyone tell if imp still is not getting demonic pact ? Then DarkenedHue job for you.

  10. To OP, Felguard is working as it should with attack power now and is viable. Its pathing is still crappy at times but that's the only issue I've found with it. I have seen it get some glancing hits on dummy targets but I'm not a demo master so I'm not 100% sure if this is intended. I also haven't see him miss/get dodged/parried. Again not sure if this is intended.

    Regarding what pet to use depends on the encounter, assuming your initial question was regarding pve. For movement heavy fights (TOC - Beasts, Champions / ICC - marrow, professor p) imp will be your best bet to use since felguard will be chasing after mobs. I also prefer to use imp in fights where I can abuse Decimation procs (TOC - Lord J / ICC - LDW, DBS, BPC) since our fire spells get 5% increased damage and 5% increased crit chance compared to Felguard's static 5% increased damage but no extra crit.

    For Felguard, I remember someone saying that felguard shouldn't be used until you have a bit of gear (around 5.6k GS) but don't quote me on that as I could be wrong.
    Fights to use Felguard on are stationary fights and / or fights with constant adds that get grouped up for cleave (TOC - Lord J, Twins / ICC - LDW, Dreamwalker). Mainly use Felguard on fights with a stationary / little moving around (TOC - Lord J, Twins / ICC - LDW, Festergut, BQL) and remember Felguard gives you 5% straight up increased damage and 5% less damage taken. The 5% less damage taken can be very useful and even a lifesaver on fights with lots of aoe (TOC - Twins / ICC - Festergut, BQL) and the static 5% increased damage is very handy on fights where you can't abuse Decimation procs which in turn increases your damage from 100%-35% via sbolts, corruption, and damaging curse (TOC - Twins / ICC - Festergut, Rotface, BQL).

    I have personally found Felguard does more DPS than imp for me on fights I can't abuse Decimation procs on. I am a 6k GS demo lock on Lordaeron. However, today I did some testing on a dummy and noticed this below:
    Can anyone tell if imp still is not getting demonic pact ?
    All lock pets are getting pact now. A few days again they weren't unless my UI was bugged but today both Felguard and imp received pact when they got a crit on a dummy. The next time I raid I'll be paying better attention to my pets and seeing if there's any considerable changes between imp's and felguard's damage in addition to my own damage done.

    I will also check next time I'm in raid with full buffs which pet gives more spellpower. For a bit imp was giving roughly 100 more sp over felguard for me but tonight when I was testing them with self buffs felguard would give roughly 30 more sp than imp. Not too sure if something was fixed recently.
    Edited: February 7, 2018

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