Hello! I'll keep it short as this is just a redirect post to the AddOn forums. I was just really unsure where to post it but it's an AddOn in the end of the day so do follow this link and I hope someone find any use for it.


A RageBar HUD that's changing color depending on current rage ([<10 Grey][10-60 Red][60-99 Green][=100 Cyan])
A tracker for current Attack Power, same color thresholds as the RageBar.
An icon showing when Overpower is available.
A cooldown tracker, showing when abilities are about to go off cooldown.
An alertframe (text) showing when Shouts & Rampage are about to run out as well as ActiveSkills (Execute, Overpower, Target Casting (Pummel).
ActionBar Glow* (!) (just like in retail) specifically designed to make Warrior life easier.