1. WOTLK: gold making

    Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone could share their gold making secrets with me hehe. I'm always strugling to buy stuff and find myself without any gold.
    I find proffesions not that great for that... is there any zone for farming stuff that im not aware of?

  2. http://vicha.shiarta.me/goldfarming

    If you dont like profs? Then I think you best farm mats such as cloths and such, and gear, and sell it on the ah. But one cannot get around the fact that gold making is an integral part of WoW. Ignoring that is bound to turn against the ignorer eventually.

  3. According to my research Skinning+Herbalism/Mining is your best bet for some sweet sweet AH money and gear.
    You encounter skinnable stuff all the time, and you can use the other profession slot for something that needs a tracking to be on.

    Also it is a good idea to be on the lookout for rare non-BoP collectibles like pets. They can net a nice sum of gold if they don't seem to pop up in the AH at all.

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