1. [ANSWERED]Disgusting lack of moderation on Blackrock. Changes, when?

    All other realms receive constant updates and attention, however Blackrock the ugly child is left to rot in the dark. Here's a brief explanation of the problems with Blackrock:

    - Absolutely full of hackers, this is by far the most pressing issue. There is no moderation on Blackrock, even a simple GM to quickly ban hackers. There is currently a team on the ladder atm with 100 wins and 6 losses due to flyhacking. Over 100 games played and no ban, pretty nice moderation we got here.

    Do not ask me to report this in game please, tickets do NOT get answered. (Hence no moderation)

    - Stale, 264 meta that nobody enjoys. 3v3 is dead and if you play perfect Warr/Hpala and Hunt/Disc are unbeatable comps. Introduce 284 meta to revive 3v3 and make more comps viable in 2v2.

    - Lack of reward. There is absolutely no incentive to do Battlegrounds whatsoever. They provide nothing, the rewards are garbage. Isle of Quel'danas, a once packed zone is now dead. Badge of Justice has no meaning but we receive them anyway???

    The main thing is hacking, even if the other changes come in due time which I hope they do - why can't we have some moderation here? Even 1 GM to just spectate arena and ban hackers? On the old Arena-Tournament these guys would be banned the same day.

    And can we get some communication? The players of Blackrock are left in the dark, it's extremely unfair since Lord and Icc get constant updates and changes. Why do you not care about hackers ruining your realm?

    Thank you.

  2. Realm has now two exclusive GMs for it.

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