Hey warmane staff,

I played MoltenWoW quite a bit back in the day, in the exact same way I'm playing warmane now.
meaning, I only had 1 toon, an Hpaladin called Tankkiller on alliance side.

The reason for my post is because, if you check the record, I have contributed more than $300 usd to your servers (Molten wow, which I loved btw) back in the day, and I was hoping maybe, if the record checks out, that you guys could reward me with some coins. My previous account name was (skilz2killu) I can provide any other information associated with the account.

If you check my current account now, ive already contributed more than 100$ usd (again) and I'm hoping that this time Warmane is here to stay, I have invested in you guys for a while now and I'm hoping you guys can help a fellow WOTLK lover in need.

if it cant be done, it cant be done, and I'm cool with that, but id greatly appreciate it if you guys could consider it. (given that the record confirms this information).

If not, so be it.

Thanks for reading,
Tankkiller - Hpal