1. Scalebanes

    Some time ago I used to farm Azure Scalebane for Dragonscales and Arctic Fur. Now they are still there,
    walking around but untargetable and not responding to any actions. What happened?
    Do I need something to be able to attack them, or is it something else?

  2. I have no idea what’s going on with Scalebanes, but if you’re interested in Arctic Fur - find those Jormungar worms in The Storm Peaks.
    I’m sure that they’re your best shot for skinning Arctic Fur.

  3. Oh well, guess that helps too. Thanks.

  4. Oh well, guess that helps too. Thanks.
    You’re welcome.
    They should be on the north west side od Storm Peaks, not too far from TOGC. There’s a cave and they’re burried in the ground on the field in front of the cave. When you walk next to them, they shouls jump out.

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