1. What do I do after lvl 70?

    I'm not new to the game but I haven't played TBC and I was wondering how do dungeons and raids work in TBC, what gearscore do I need for what and what are the easiest ways to gear yourself up?

  2. Get atlasloot addon and search through all the dungeons or use https://tbc-twinhead.twinstar.cz/ to look up specific quest items and normal dungeon items / BOE's that you can afford; then farm normals for rep until you're revered for heroic keys. You'll also want rep for head and shoulder enchants. Then level professions if you have the gold and work towards pre-raid BiS with the same method or with guides. Once you're geared from heroics / professions then google how to do attunements for Kara and go from there. That should keep you busy for a while.

    If you want to PVP then just join BG's and mostly afk since you'll get 1 shot anyway until you can buy full season one. Once you get 300 resil run your own premade and farm fast honor and marks. Farm the marks you need most and dont turn them in until you have 100 of each because you'll most likely be short on marks. You can also buy gear from the store, which is probably a better use of time to just make real money and do that instead of actually playing the game.

    Or even better, just buy a character that's already geared and rename it.

  3. Ok so u should start whit accepting that u should not use gearscore.
    its not made for this expantion and it does not propperly work.
    this becouse manny bis/verry good blues have low GS and alot of high GS epics are trash.

    I do not know what class u are so i cant get spesific but there are alot of good crafteble items u can buy.
    Also u should start doing some normals start whit easy low lvl ones to get some starter items and then farm the fck out of the higest lvl instance for reputation (BM SHH SV Bota).
    U can also do quests for gear there are some verry good items to get by questing some are even pre raid BiS
    the rep will allow u to enter Heroic instances and u will need it for some attunements(pre quests for raids).


    ^ is a link to a doc where u can see ur pre raid BiS items
    use it to see where u can get gear and what kind of gear is good for u.

  4. Get gearscore lite its a very useful addon and a minimum GS is required to clear certain content, even if some lower GS items can be better.

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