1. Does is it possible to farm the defias's set here?


    I'm trying to farm the defias set (http://www.wowhead.com/transmog-set=889/defias-leather), I've already done 20 more runs of deadmines and I was able to collect chest, belt and legs. I'm having trouble to find gloves and feet. Atlas loot say they have 1.30-1.70% chance of drop (pants too) but i have already killed something like 400+ npc and i didn't get it, so my question is:
    Have they already been removed in this expansion? Or I'm having a bad luck? Or maybe loot is bugged?
    Also asking in guild they said to me some pieces are dropped in scarlet monastery, but they didn't try on this server.

    Thank you for any information (sorry for my bad english)

  2. Bad luck. Check the auction house, people often farm those sets and sell. Granted I picked up the set a few months ago, I was still able to get it via farming / ah.

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