Also, one thing to take into account is that Rogues scale very hard with group buffs. More so than other classes I think, not entirely sure? But from what I have noticed rogues tend to get the largest dps boost out of buffs than other classes.
Yep, it's probably the melee haste raid buff. Assassination and Combat rogues, in that order, scale the best with the +20% melee haste buff of any spec (omitting Enha Shamans here because they already provide the buff themselves). This is because of the sheer amount of their DPS that comes from auto-attacks, and effects associated with those auto-attacks. That's why you observe a particularly sharp DPS increase when you suddenly have a person providing the buff. In a raid, you also get to have someone to cast your ToTT on for the energy return. That's a benefit inherent to your class that you don't get to enjoy when alone.