1. MakeVio's Avatar
    Is there something that when you might be in a duel, or PvP, it tells you what attack/spell they are in the process of doing?

  2. Need a link Gladiatorlossa wich work on 4.0.6.

  3. poisoncows's Avatar
    What's a multi-boxing addon good for cata?

  4. Kkthnxbye's Avatar
    Could you please add in my full UI? I recoded a UI to work with molten. It has recount with it and everything you can find the link to my thread in my signature. Thank you

  5. hi guys,
    do u know if sentinel accepts gladiatorlosSA for 4.0.6 ? and where can i download it, since curse doesnt support 4.0.6 version.
    best regards
    Can anyone give me a link for a working Gladiatorlossa for 4.0.6?
    I have made a 4.0.6a version of gladiatorlossa here, it's only in beta though:

  6. gryer7421's Avatar
    Will try these tonight:

    for 3.3.5a

    will report success/fail

    thank you for the one source links.

  7. Auctioneer

    None of the current versions seem to be working for 3.3.5
    I've gotten a couple and they all come up as out of date :(
    Any ideas what version will work for Lich King 3.3.5????

  8. ROFLMAO I got it working. Thank you though!!!
    You're gonna laugh, I made a totally NOOB mistake. When I went to my addons from the char screen, I selected all the auction ones and the enchantrix ones I DIDN"T select mr. Stubby. Aparently that made it work LMAO
    Thanks again

  9. Luminance's Avatar

    Postal for 3.3.5


    I was looking here for the addon postal but didnt find it. When i was googling it i found the addon and it worked great :)


    I hope you enjoy it as much as i do

    Im very happy with molten wow btw :cool:

  10. Please someone also update the wiki. I dont understand you all prefere forum for lists like this anyway.

  11. I did everything stated to do. Downloaded AddOns supported by the Wrath server, Unzipped them, placed them in my WoW>Interface>AddOns folder. Then I went in game, and no AddOns button was anywhere to be seem, and nothing had changed. Any help would be appreciated.
    In the character selection screen, there is a button named "Addons" on the bottom left corner of your screen, click that and tick the addons you want enabled.

  12. shenshengumi's Avatar
    Hi my recount works most of the time, but sometimes when I accidentally clear it and type in /recount show, it will stop working, the screen is there but it doesnt read any data, so i have to delete the folder and readd it and it works again. Is there a way I can just fix it ingame if it doesnt read data again? Instead of deleting the folder and re adding it? Thanks.

  13. Darkspark's Avatar
    Awesome guide, thanks

  14. QuestHelper-4.0.3a.100b and Flight Paths

    Anyone else having problems with QuestHelper-4.0.3a.100b (the one linked to in this thread) and Flight Paths?

    Stating up front that I've deleted \Cache and \WTF. Those are standard steps when debugging addon problems. So please don't suggest I do either of those.

    I've been using that version for a while now with no problems. After this last Molten Cataclysm update it seems to have developed problems with Flight Paths.

    If I unload all addons I can use the Flight Paths with no problems. If I ONLY load QuestHelper-4.0.3a.100b when I click on the Flight Master and click on Where can I fly QuestHelper pops up a box saying that it has crashed and if you click on a destination nothing happens.

    typing /qh error

    shows the following

    msg: 157
    toc: 4.0.3a.100b
    v: 4.0.3a.100b
    game: 4.0.6
    locale: enUS
    timestamp: 2012-03-20 15:03:55
    mutation: nil
    silent: false

    Interface\AddOns\QuestHelper\utility.lua:353: in function `Assert'
    Interface\AddOns\QuestHelper\collect_flight.lua:31 : in function <Interface\AddOns\QuestHelper\collect_flight.lua:3 0>
    Interface\AddOns\QuestHelper\collect_flight.lua:52 : in function `func'
    Interface\AddOns\QuestHelper\manager_event.lua:43: in function <Interface\AddOns\QuestHelper\manager_event.lua:25 >
    Interface\AddOns\QuestHelper\manager_event.lua:58: in function <Interface\AddOns\QuestHelper\manager_event.lua:52 >

    QuestHelper, v4.0.3a.100b

  15. Looking for an addon,for chat mainly,which allows you to copy paste and select any text from the chat.
    And with a feature included of adding links(achievements) such as Temptest Keep for example,so i can spam the global with lfm raid x need all,without making a macro and selecting the achievement again and again.

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