1. Hunter

    Hello, im looking to roll a MM hunter on this server, jsut want to know, how hes oing dps wise in pve ?


  2. I'm not expert with Hunters but afaik MM isn't really used due to it not being worth it in an optimal setup. MM, just like Survival is not there do deal damage but to increase the damage of others. While the damage is high, if you want to top meters, BM is the way you want to go.

    Here you can see the Hunter damage in one of my videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqGc0TK4w78
    Feel free to check the other videos for different bosses.

    The actual Hunter PoV can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOwv4QdjGrU

  3. MM do good damage but you'll be nowhere even close to a BM with similar gear, and Survival gives a better RAIDWIDE buff, whereas yours will be only group based and really not that strong.

    If you're playing hutner PvE, you'll be BM as you'll only need 1 survi per raid and literally every guild has one.

  4. Seen plenty of bad hunters however. So if you're a half decent player and want to have fun playing MM, it's still viable. Just not raid optimal.
    Like if you're all about doing easy raids (T4/5) and dungeons, go for it.

    If you want to be in a somewhat serious raiding guild, BM is the way to go unless they need a survival hunter.

    In my experience, with better gearing, surv DPS really has very strong player-DPS AND a Raidwide buff, it's one of the most important classes in the raid.
    After having played surv for about 3 months now, I couldn't go back to BM.

  5. surv hunter that only focus on ''buffing'' is 100% not worth
    as surv u can keep up with bm hunter the only difference between both specc is that the bm hunters pet does twice the dmg of the pet from the surv hunter
    im playing surv hunter since start of T5 and i pref perso dps over raidbuffing once the arp content hits u'll see surv doing almsot 1:1 same dmg as bm hunters

    mm is just the bad version of surv and i doubt that anyone would let u play that in raid
    dps wise it should be equal to surv dmg currently

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