1. Flying Macro

    Anyone using such macro?

    /run if IsMounted()then return end local m if IsFlyableArea() and not (GetWintergraspWaitTime() == nil and GetZoneText()=="Wintergrasp") then m={3} else m={5} end CallCompanion("MOUNT",m[random(#m)])
    /dismount [mounted]

    /script if (GetZoneText()=="Dalaran") then CallCompanion("MOUNT", 1);end
    /use [flyable,nomounted] Mount Name ; [nomounted] Mount Name
    /dismount [mounted]

    It worked for years but Recently get to fail to mount you from the 1st click every time when you leave an in door place,like a house,in any zone.
    It says ''Can only use outside''

    Its something with Warmane,it works in other servers

    Any suggestions for fix?
    Or another working version

  2. just using a simple castcast macro works fine.
    /cast "flying mount
    /cast "ground mount"

  3. . .
    Edited: January 1, 2024

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