You are absurd, it's very clear both of you have some issues, if you were any better than him you wouldn't be writing 50 lines of text in each of your reply trying to prove you're somehow superior to people who use drugs. It's obvious both of you are going to keep your ground because you have your own beliefs. It's just silly, how you call someone that uses drugs a loser without knowing why they do it, how often they do it, etc. Just to assume someone who's tried drugs is any less of a human being than you is pure comedy, but you're most likely in your twenties judging by what you said in your previous posts, you barely have any experiences in life yet, you sit here and write paragraphs of text justifying your points to someone you don't even know. It's just cringy, I can't describe it in any other way, people who judge others for their choices instead of just moving on with their lives are waste of oxygen. All those Mexican women, drug dealers, drug addicts that have their lives ruined it is not because of drugs, it's because of other people, most of whom don't even do drugs.
Ok, boomer.