1. I'm fine with hyjal gear (Lil early but...)

    Consider just adding vials to the shop, would help a ton of guilds entering hyjal for the somewhat easier loot. Also would help with new skilled players joining the game to join top guilds. I feel it would be a great money maker as most people are paying 500+ coins for a t6 attuned character.

    Food for thought

  2. Eh, I agree that Vials should be available at store to contribute to the end game PVE in outland, altho I disagree with the amount of items released into the store and their quantity.
    Hell, BiS items shouldn't be in store which includes Cataclysm edge, Vashj belt,Tempest, and so on.

  3. Eh, I agree that Vials should be available at store to contribute to the end game PVE in outland, altho I disagree with the amount of items released into the store and their quantity.
    Hell, BiS items shouldn't be in store which includes Cataclysm edge, Vashj belt,Tempest, and so on.
    So no DST / Tsunami either?

  4. 500 coins for a t6 character is a niche market though, if you devalue the 100-250 coin t5 character by making t6 items available 1month into completing the content release you ultimately infringe on and crush the player trade market.

    I'm not going to buy a Hyjal attuned character that's not wearing BiS for 200ish coins, and grind it out for months to attain BiS when I can instant 70 one and outfit it with available BiS for 250 play it overpowered in a kara guild, or pvp attain pieces I'm missing, and then spend another 100 coins when BT content goes to the store, do the math and I come out ahead of those 500 coin characters.

    The real problem is considering what should be on the store by percentages or "cleared content" they must have a raiding SME that can tell them its a bad idea to place DST/Vash chest/Apostle&Cats edge on the store for so little $ comparatively when items like Veteran's aren't even being made available yet.

  5. 500 coins for a t6 character is a niche market though, if you devalue the 100-250 coin t5 character by making t6 items available 1month into completing the content release you ultimately infringe on and crush the player trade market.

    I'm not going to buy a Hyjal attuned character that's not wearing BiS for 200ish coins, and grind it out for months to attain BiS when I can instant 70 one and outfit it with available BiS for 250 play it overpowered in a kara guild, or pvp attain pieces I'm missing, and then spend another 100 coins when BT content goes to the store, do the math and I come out ahead of those 500 coin characters.

    The real problem is considering what should be on the store by percentages or "cleared content" they must have a raiding SME that can tell them its a bad idea to place DST/Vash chest/Apostle&Cats edge on the store for so little $ comparatively when items like Veteran's aren't even being made available yet.
    I think it's gotten quite clear that there is little attention spent to how certain shop items affect the entire pve and pvp scene.

  6. I think about how many buyers we have lined for for t6 attunements and the number never goes down. We charge 10k for kael vial and currently have a waiting list of 22 people all willing to pay it. 10k gold via coins is a boat load

  7. That's pretty much 85+ coins for 1 vial

  8. @Juvy
    That may be so, but that's encouraging a healthy server environment for those that enjoy solo play and can go farm quests or sell items on the auction house 10k is not a fortune, and for those of us that have 100 coins to burn 10k is an acceptable amount. I'm talking about killing that service your guild provides altogether by making what you offer less valuable. Why would I want to spend 100 coins to be eligible for loot when I can spend 100 coins ON loot.

    The "T6 current content experience" maybe, but this conundrum existed on live back in the day so I would encourage what your guild is doing in the game and decry making the items available on the store from going through that process.

    Especially when(that I can find) its not even announced that they are going to or discussed about whether they should.

  9. That might be a little extreme, but I have noticed one mod in particular being contrite about the issue and closing topics to discussion or feedback

    "•The marketplace will not be implemented for at least a month and on release it will only contain items that were already obtained by the players. The marketplace itself will be progressive."

    this is vague, not clear, not outlined

    I.E. Players have obtained Glaives, but its not on the marketplace
    and we know why, but maybe we just want to hear that your algorithm isn't going to release it 1 week after I spend 70 coins on two blades of savagery etc.

  10. Cataclysm edge for every1... wow... sounds funny^^.. oh wait... i play warlock...

  11. @Heavenx
    2weeks ago Merc dagger and Badge Orb would have been the best option, now you can buy Tempest and Chronicle and be set until KJ

  12. Sure, but 85 coins aren't tangible on the game, coins are merely the shortcut to farming 10k gold before you approach an established guild like Juvy's and by proxy support the server. If it seems like too high a price to you, hold out for gold prices to be reduced, but with BT only being 1 month old that's not lilkely to happen soon.

  13. solved by requiring the player to be attuned to the raid the item comes from

  14. @jfizzled12
    eah u are right.. but i was thinkin about pvp.. this is kinda scary for me :)

  15. I think you harm progressing t5 guilds by doing something like this. Let them spend 10k to buy their attunements imo.

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