1. Wotlk, rapture(disco), interface related questions

    1. does rapture works as intended? what I think, yes I just want to confirm someone said something to me today..
    2. some people when they use an ability (any ability) it pops up on his screen next to his character then fades ( to show him that he actually did use the spell or lost a certain debuff ) I want to know how to do this... http://prntscr.com/iiah7t

    also let's say I have a certain buff I want to watch, for how can I move that buff from the edge of screen to somewhere near my character http://prntscr.com/iiaiw7

    thanks in advance

  2. 1. Yes, it does
    2. Addon name: Doom_CooldownPulse
    3. Addon name: Tellmewhen or Eventalert

  3. 1. Yes, it does
    2. Addon name: Doom_CooldownPulse
    3. Addon name: Tellmewhen or Eventalert
    cool, thank you

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