1. Outland: Shared ally/horde auction house.

    As the title suggests I think its worth considering making the auction house shared for horde and ally side on the Outland server. Seemingly the ally population is declining recently and such a change might help to combat the situation.

    The situation on ally AH is not superbad yet, but recently prices have been fluctuating alot with a steady decline in number of items beeing up for sale at any given time. I can only imagine how it might look like in a few months and I fear that more will reroll horde or outright stop playing.

    Thanks for considering :)

  2. This already exists. Go to Booty Bay or Gadgetzan. Convince horde members that you're willing to buy items, and perhaps they'll start stocking it.

  3. I am aware that it already exists in the form of neutral AH with a 30% cut. I am suggesting it regardless. Despite your horde shill posting I am sure you know perfectly well that neutral AH usage is minimal compared to capital cities AH and thus not very relevant for the reasons behind this suggestion.

    Warmane has already applied custom solutions to Outland to enourage a larger alliance population in the form of faction chance only beeing avaible from horde to ally and not the other way around. Earlier we have seen increased XP and free mounts for ally side. This suggestion is along the same lines as such initiatives and should for this reason be considered.

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