1. Stuck in Alchemy

    I am at 340 Alchemy and all recipes are gray, no trainer (checked Northrend and Outland)is offering me anything until 350. I went to 2 different vendors that are supposed to sell recipes but they dont have them(Halrun in zangermarsh and Ulthir in Darnasus). I have mats to make Primal Might but cant transmutate it yet because I have to be level 350 to learn the recipe.

    What do I do now?
    The guides are not specific about this or contain wrong info for WOTLK.

  2. https://wotlk-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?item=22907#sold-by for example.
    If u find other recipes and vendor doesn't have it, usually it means that somebody bought it. There are a lot of BC recipes that have ~12 hours (don't remember exactly, check on wow head), if somebody bought one of them it will dissapear from vendor for ressurection cd.
    Also recipes appearing after server reboot.

  3. I ended up getting a recipe from another vendor. The cenarion Expidetion Quartermaster has one that will take you to 350

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