1. Party frame raid icons


    I'm looking for addon that can show raid icons above each party members but I want it for DEFAULT frames. I was using Xperl and SUF before but I prefer default look :)

    For example star above party1 frame, cross above party2 frame and so on.

  2. Ok, I'll check it ;)


    Yay, it's working !!! Thank you so much ! You're my boss :D

    If I can ask you for a little advice, is there a way to show this icon on higher strata ?
    Edited: March 3, 2018

  3. Yay! It's working. I was trying with SetFrameStrata but nothing was working, you're a master ;D thank you so much !

    I changed positioning and size a little to be exactly above party portraits.

    r:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 15, 5)
    Edited: March 3, 2018

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