1. New player, requesting some max-level information


    I am new here on warmane because I was looking for the playstyles of certain classes in previous expansions ( came from another server that has legion ) - in fact, i downloaded all clients(BC,WOTLK and MOP) ! . The fact that there are so many folks here pleasantly surprised me . I ask a few questions that I couldn't find the answers to and I would like them answered before I commit to one of the expansions.

    1) Regarding PVE:

    1a) On Outland (BC server) , on Icecrown( wotlk server) and Frostwolf( mop server), is everything unlocked or does it require attunement?

    1b) Which dungeons/raids/bosses work for every single expansion? OR if it is easier for you to say, which ones do NOT work?

    2) Regarding donations

    2a) I heard that donating skips queue times. Does any sum of money apply to this? Is this permanent?

    2b) Also I wanted to pay from mobile and I saw that the non-amazon variant has CNY as trading method. Are these the chinese coin or something else?

    3)Regarding PVP

    3a) Do the world pvp things work? ( Wintergrasp, Isle of Thunder, Vault of Arch etc ) ?

    3b) Are the battlegrounds/arenas consistent? ( Like, are there let's say , 20or more 3v3 arena teams up at peak hours?)

    3b) Do people play alterac valley? ( on Outland and Icecrown) ( how many are played per week, let's say? - This is a battleground that i barely experienced so if there is 1 daily or something like that then it's plenty for me)

    Thanks in advance !

  2. Hello Giscly!

    1a) Attunements are only required on Outland.
    1b) The vast majority work on all servers. I'd be hard pressed to give a specific list for all of them. This is probably more easily replied to by people who play those expansions specifically.

    2a) Yes, any sum of money applies to it. And yes, it is permanent (except on Lordaeron, but there isn't a queue there anyway).
    2b) I honestly don't know anything about mobile payments.

    3a) All of the ones you listed work, as far as I know. Especially on the Wrath realms.
    3b) Lots of pvp happening on the TBC and Wrath realms. I can't comment on the other two expansions.
    3c) I don't know about Outland, but on Icecrown you'll probably see it 5+ times per day if you're queueing battlegrounds all day long.

    I hope you enjoy your stay here on Warmane!

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