1. Bg

    Which faction dominate on bgs in this server? is human racial op? and who wins most wsg and arahti basins.

    is also pve gearr good in bgs or can i do well without them?

  2. 1. Both factions are good. I'd say it's 50/50 in general, but it can change from time to time.

    2. Yes Human racial is OP. It allows you to fight with 2 burst trinket (DPS or Heal) instead of plying with one burst and one anti-stun.

    3. I'd say Horde wins more WSG and Alliance wins more AB, but again it depends and can vary.

    4. Yes PvE gear is very good but you can do very well without any PvE gear. The fact is that it reduces your resilience a lot but usually increases your DPS or Healings a lot. Sometimes the difference is not big, but in general it's worth it. I personnally learned all my characters with full PvP gear at first, and added PvE when I started to master the class/spec a bit more. It's all up to you. In my opinon, it's better to play Healers with no PvE because you usually need a lot of resilience, which is not always true for DPS.

  3. thanks. Yeah i like both of these bgs' and its good if its 50 % 50

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