1. How would you discribe the sever economy?

    Just curious on whether gathering or production professions reign king here, mostly personal want to make money but also curiosity. Private servers can develop their own system and I wanna know this ones. With it so blizz like I wonder if it has any dramatic differences. Also, being a noob to here and not playing for 8 years, the advice will be extremely helpful to me or anyone just starting out. Thoughts? Opinions? Methods?

  2. End game sales:
    Bags: 60g
    Gems: 100-150g
    Ore: 120g (titanium) a stack
    Frost lotus: 50g
    Arctic Fur - 90g
    Frost Orb: 30g
    Fish - 20-30g a stack
    Cooking - fish feast 10g
    Enchanting mats:
    Void -30g, Shard -20g, dust -80g a stack

    Most end game mats are reasonably scarce - 1-2 pages tops in AH.

    To me, it seems like pretty much any raw material is in demand, even BC mats for powerleveling professions. Crafted materials seems to sell, but not nearly as consistently. BoE items drop at what seems to be much higher rates so I feel like those take most of the item market over the crafted stuff. Primo Saronite also are much more rare since no one really has heroics on farm, so the items crafted with that are usually created at sale, not beforehand because its a 10-15k gold commitment.

  3. So here are more crafters than gatherers? Interesting that there is more demand than what is actually being supplied, would think there are more alts gathering. Boredom to blame? AH is certainly alive so its not like the flow of the trade is slow due to inactivity.

  4. I'm new here so I don't know for sure, but it's probably due to the 1x experience rate which makes it harder for people to level up their gathering alts to level cap. It would follow that casual players who enjoy gathering would choose other servers to play on.

  5. AH economy is sometimes bad, profession craft items are cheap and it is hard to earn some gold.

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