1. Arena situation

    fixed i guess xD
    Edited: June 27, 2020

  2. do devs really cares about the arena players? Because this situation is hilarious.

    Edit: This thread feels like "I'm not good enough to get high enough, it's all these shadowmournes fault, DEVS FIX IT."
    Edited: March 27, 2018

  3. High Rank is mostly dominated by 6.9k gs Warriors/Dks.
    From what I counted a minute ago there were 10 awar hpal teams out of top 50. 4 teams having dks in them and 5 teams with a priest + war. That leaves 50-19 = 31 other teams which have some combination of w/e the players wanted to play. I don't see the point of this thread. Is it to complain that Shadowmourne is overpowered in your eyes or something else entirely?

  4. edited, fixed
    Edited: June 27, 2020

  5. It is, this item was owned by a few players on retail, but here every plate class have one, plus 3 hc pve offparts. This is an advantage for mele comps, that's why they dominating the rank (maybe for something else we all know, but I'm not going to talk about that on this thread).
    Good to know, but Shadowmourne wielders won't be going away. If anything, in time, more people will have it since this server is a wotlk server and people farm the content endlessly. If you can't deal with it then you might as well play somewhere else where special rules are enforced when it comes to Shadowmourne (and 284 items?) in arenas.

  6. So you're saying you'd rather have high rated team comps being all caster cleaves instead of the variety that currently exists?

  7. So you're saying you'd rather have high rated team comps being all caster cleaves instead of the variety that currently exists?
    No, I didn't meant to say that.

    Just want to see more equality, do you devs ever played as a normal player, and tried to get hight rating as a caster+heal? I count only 6 teams that really plays caster + heal. Double dps caster is non existent when lock/ele and shatters are some of the best combos of LK.

    No mages, no locks, no sp. I don't even want to imagine how the top 7 managed to survive all that lolmournes plage.

    The numbers are there, is you still thinking we have a decent variety of setups I don't have anything else to say.

  8. You assume every single composition has some entitlement to being high ranked. You say you've played the game for ten years, yet it eluded you that the game isn't, has never been and never will be balanced so every sort of team you decide to use has an equal chance?

  9. You assume every single composition has some entitlement to being high ranked. You say you've played the game for ten years, yet it eluded you that the game isn't, has never been and never will be balanced so every sort of team you decide to use has an equal chance?
    You are right, I know there always were an unbalance, but in this realm is even more increased, that's my point as an affected player.

    I think in the future all the people will reroll dk/ret/war and all will be 1min. arena 6.9k gs vs 6.9k gs. This is actually happening when 2 teams on 2v top collide xD

    I know this is not going to change, it wasn't my purpose when I create the thread, I just want to explain my disappointment with this game sector.

  10. I think in the future all the people will reroll dk/ret/war and all will be 1min. arena 6.9k gs vs 6.9k gs. This is actually happening when 2 teams on 2v top collide xD
    That's natural. People playing competitive want to win and if there's a team that gives them an advantage, most serious ones will go for that. There's nothing wrong about that, much less anything for Developers to change, as there's nothing bug related causing it, just people wanting any edge they can get to win. You are only disappointed because you want to swim against the current and the server and expansion don't cater to your preferences.

  11. You are only disappointed because you want to swim against the current and the server and expansion don't cater to your preferences.
    Nothing more to say. Thanks all for answering.

  12. "3s dominated by tsg or other double sm comps"
    on a side note: you dont seem to have clue what is actually going on in the brackets here on warmane

    side side note: you play ls and is hardstuck sub 2k mmr, complaining on comps.. ok ok please stop, you are embarassing yourself
    Edited: March 27, 2018

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