1. Please help me, 1st time playing

    So I'm playing wow for the first time and I have no idea where i need to go to get the morphs of forms for the druid class, I've been looking online and all I've found was vanilla wow where the guy gets catform for reaching lvl 6 but I'm lvl 13 and no forms yet, + I went to the druid trainer and I can't buy forms from him. Please help

  2. I’m not sure id there’s a quest for CAT form, pretty sure there isn’t. However, this is what you can do:


    Edit: For travel and aquatic form you need lvl18. CAT should be available from 8. Tree and Chicken are talent based.

    Good luck, young grasshopper.
    Edited: April 3, 2018

  3. You need to do a quest for the Bear Form.

    You get other forms at lvl16, including cat form.

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