Hello ,

please consider this option :

(since it hasn't came to your mind to already do this in previous seasons, you should not ruin the only remaining season left, season 4)

You should allow players to obtain shoulder's and weapon's only from 2v2 and 3v3 bracket team and personal rating.

This way people would make 3v3 more active, even 2v2 which is sometimes not enough active.

Make 5v5 only for points, people will play it anyway because it is fun, messed up and brings most of points, since everyone needs points anyway.

2v2 and 3v3 (best bracket ever , most fun, and even most skilled) should be more active (3v3 especially) , and should bring special reward only obtainable by reaching rating in them, in order to motivate them.

Also many really bad players (i shouldn't say garbage) wouldn't be running with most prestige items (shoulders, even weapons) as if they achieved something special, and it would become some sort of skill based, and not luck / setup / zerg 1st target by mele/spell cleave no brain methods.

Win/Win combination in every way, doesn't anyone with even little brain agree with me here ?

I would like to hear some more smart and creative ways of increasing 3v3 popularity, this is best one i have came so far.


Weapon requirements (for season 3 for example since it is still current season) : 2v2 team and personal rating 2000
3v3 team and personal rating 1850

Shoulders requirements : 2v2 team and personal rating 2200
3v3 team and personal rating 2000

Doesnt this makes more sense and logic ? Run 5v5 for lols and joke since it is that kind of bracket, points collecting bracket.

And brackets that are more stabile, requires more brain and are less messed up brings prestige rewards.

Shoulders are only minor boost but huge prestige and looks, special reward , so you need highest rating.

While weapons will still be obtainable even to average but persistent players.

Thanks a lot,


(make this game worth playing, make sense)