"That Seventies Show" a newly forming twink guild on Horde Icecrown server. I have noticed an increased amount in alliance 70 involvement in hellfire and would like to raise the horde population in kind. This would start as a small pvp guild, and will slowly try to work our way into a raid schedule for progression style content clearing old TBC content. IGN is Berryy, I am the 70-79 coordinator and moderator of Xpoff.com( a retail twink community ) I have years of experience with 70 content, playing in TBC and Twinking most of my 70s on retail in WOTLK. I know the mechanics to all the Raids and Dungeons and am working on the learning curve of readjusting to the game as i once knew it. I have a Discord for interested partys to join to ask questions or talk to me along with my
IGN being Berryy.
Discord Info: https://discord.gg/2twfSNz

Hope to see some of you older twinks or ones interested in twinking in game or in the discord. If you would like to add me privately and talk in discord my tag is Blackberryy#3875