1. May 23, 2018  

    When to judge your seal?

    Hello fellow paladins!

    I'm a blood elf ret. pal, with hopefully a simple question.
    I know the rotation, but my problem is to judge my seal at the right time?
    Someone once told me it should be judged at a specific time and not only
    when it's not on CD (I know crusader strike is my 1. prio, but then comes SoB).
    Should I judge immediately after a swing? or doesn't it really matter when to judge,
    just my SoB is up at the next swing???

    Edited: May 23, 2018

  2. May 26, 2018  
    If you have your debuff seal active properly (whichever you're assigned to, Wisdon, Crusader, etc), you have mana and GCDs to spare, you can and should judge with your damage seal whenever you can. Seal setup for auto-attack damage, seal debuff activity and Crusader Strike all come first though.

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