1. " You must have Two Factor Authenticate Enabled for at least 3 days"

    Hi there, Since enabling Two Factor Authentication" on Saturday June 16th 2018, I have yet to see it in action. It has never once asked me to check my Email to authenticate?

    The Store says I need to have "Two Factor Authenticate" activated for at least 3 days. It's been 4 days, and I am still unable to use my coins.

    Thanks for hosting one of the greatest and most memorable servers. Please give me some feedback. Thanks.

  2. It never asked to check because your credentials have remained the same and nobody tried to mess with it. As for the authentication it is a full three days 24h+24h+24h

  3. Thanks for getting back to me so quick. Perhaps I understand how the Two factor Authenticate works a little more now.

    As for the time, I shall wait and see. Thank you again.

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