1. July 9, 2018  

    One handed weapons

    Are fast 1h weapons 1.50 bad for hunter or it doesn't matrer at all?

  2. July 9, 2018  
    Melee weapons are nothing but stats sticks to hunters. It doesn't matter what the weapons are, as long as they give you the right stats.

  3. Melee weapons are nothing but stats sticks to hunters. It doesn't matter what the weapons are, as long as they give you the right stats.
    not quite true, in pvp at least, dual wielding is often worth doing because vs some classes disarms you are still able to use stuff like Deterrence during it. Technically 2h is the best stats but if you want to have a few more stats to become a free honor kill for shadow priests go for it :p

    Ideally you have both 2h and dw and swap as needed. I personally switches between 2x wf axes w/ jc spen gems and oathbinder with resil jc gems so I would have spell pen when needed and not be trading too much resil to go 2h and still matching socket colors in both setups.

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