1. New Player - Couple Questions

    Hi guys, I'm fairly new here, I just have a few questions.

    1) Are attunements required on this server? (Karazhan / SSC / TK ect)

    2) Is honoured or revered required for Heroic Keys?

    3) How does dual spec work? If I pay the 100g to get the dual speccing, can I just switch back and forth between the two specs as much as I want? What if I want to change one of them. For example, if I'm a druid and have Feral / Resto as my 2 specs, but decide I want to go boomkin - will I then pay the 50g respec fee to go boomkin and then have boomkin/resto as my dual specs until I pay 50g to respec back to feral?

    Thank you for any help!

  2. Your dual spec question is confusing.

    Basically, dual spec is a Warmane-custom feature that is executed through the website as TBC did not have dual spec. What it does is you pay 100g and then you can switch between a Primary and a Secondary talent page from the website freely as long as you are logged out. This is because the website calls to the server to forcefully change the spec of your character, which logically cannot be done while you're logged in. In-game, your character appears as it has only one page and what you do with it is entirely your business.

    I can't say about 1) and 2). These depend on the content which the server is on and I haven't played on Outland in a year or so. All I know is that the current content is Zul'Aman. Refer to the old official patch notes to find the answers yourself. I really don't remember when the keys were nerfed to Honored and when the attunements were disabled.

  3. 1. Attunements for kara, ssc, tk were removed but you still need to it to enter BT.
    2. Honored

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