1. Adding a PvE / PvP tab

    Self explanatory, it would be cool to be able to pin directly what we want to see like that

    Even if i'm not sure that it will really help, i already saw people streaming other games 😒

  2. Its not self explanatory, I've no jdea what youre suggesting here.

  3. separating pve content from pvp, idk how to explain better, when you set up your stream you should have a option to separate ppl from pve-ing and pvp-ing, and also find a way to not having someone streaming something else from WoW (unless the staff don't care)

  4. You could have started by explaining that you're referencing the streaming tab.

    My first assumption was that you wanted to add tabs to the dual-spec system for Outland.

  5. Idk how i could forgot to write it, i was thinking too much about it maybe x)

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