1. in loving memory of rets

    Bis ret with smourne hited me for almost 22k on wsg in 1-2sec, on 1,1k ressi as ele.

    Is this normal or is just me?

  2. Maybe he had a lot of Tenacity stacks?

  3. nah, tenacity dont exist in warsong gulch.

  4. Buffs, consums, wings, wsg 30% dmg buff, I'd say it's normal yeah

  5. Ele shaman complaining about crits or damage, oh the irony...

  6. WoTLK.​​​​​​​

  7. Also, he might have been full pve you never know.

  8. Ele shaman complaining about crits or damage, oh the irony...
    im gonna cry now ;/

  9. Bis ret with smourne hited me for almost 22k on wsg in 1-2sec, on 1,1k ressi as ele.

    Is this normal or is just me?
    With Avenging Wrath and the berserking buff from one of the huts, yeah it's possible.

  10. Ele shaman complaining about crits or damage, oh the irony...
    Exactly, I also find those lava burst crits insanely high, except if my http://wotlk.cavernoftime.com/spell=54375 procced before on shock, then they go for like 9k, which is reasonable I guess

  11. Exactly, I also find those lava burst crits insanely high, except if my http://wotlk.cavernoftime.com/spell=54375 procced before on shock, then they go for like 9k, which is reasonable I guess
    I'am getting 9-10k crits as 700 re feral.
    Your resilience is pretty low as lock.

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