1. How to move target of target?

    I can't find out how to move the target of target, MoveAnything doesn't have an option to move it and after I searched google for scripts, I made the next one:
    /run local f=TargetFrameToT f:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton") f:SetScript("OnDragStart", f.StartMoving) f:SetScript("OnDragStop", f.StopMovingOrSizing)
    but still doesn't work!! Anyone who managed to do it? pLz help!! I can't see all the debuffs of my target!!

  2. ????????????
    ofc does MoveAnything has the option to move the Target of Target Frame option ....

  3. ????????????
    ofc does MoveAnything has the option to move the Target of Target Frame option ....

    it has only for Party / Target and the rest of the UI except Target of Target....

  4. I am not completely sure but I think the "target of target" frame is part of "target" and therefore cannot be separated from it.

  5. I'd like info for this too, I use MoveAnything and the ToT hides several buffs on the target, pretty annoying

  6. I am not completely sure but I think the "target of target" frame is part of "target" and therefore cannot be separated from it.
    That's correct, an alternative if you want to keep the style of the default frames is to get CT_Mod and CT_UnitFrames. This will separate the ToT from the Target frame and you can put them seperately from eachother.

  7. That's correct, an alternative if you want to keep the style of the default frames is to get CT_Mod and CT_UnitFrames. This will separate the ToT from the Target frame and you can put them seperately from eachother.
    how can we do that??? Sorry if I sound too noobish but I smash my head into the wall finding a solution for this...

  8. With moveanything type in the chat /move TargetofTargetFrame

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